About Idaho National Laboratory

Innovation that is changing America and the world

About Idaho
National Laboratory

As one of 17 national labs in the U.S. Department of Energy complex, Idaho National Laboratory is home to more than 6,400 researchers and support staff focused on innovations in nuclear research, integrated energy systems and security solutions that are changing the world.

From discoveries in advanced nuclear energy to reliable energy options and to protecting our nation’s most critical infrastructure assets, our talented team at INL is constantly pushing the limits to redefine what’s possible.

Our Capabilities

Our capabilities involve: testing advanced nuclear energy concepts, preparing radioisotope power sources for NASA space exploration, developing longer-lived electric vehicle batteries, protecting the power grid and collaborating with numerous industries to turn waste into fuel.

INL experts are studying basic material properties that will lead to more robust nuclear fuels and materials that can survive in harsh environments. We conduct testing and demonstration for electric grid systems and other critical infrastructure including clean water delivery. Our unparalleled cybersecurity experts monitor real-world incidents, provide training around the globe and conduct basic research for the security of everything from vehicle charging stations to nuclear materials. INL’s clean energy research also includes work in bioenergygeothermal energyhydrogen production and industrial process science.

INL operates the world’s premier materials test reactor – the Advanced Test Reactor – which also is one of only two reactors in the nation producing life-saving medical radioisotopes.

Idaho National Laboratory Overview

INL is one of the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) national laboratories. The laboratory performs work in each of DOE’s strategic goal areas: energy, national security, science and environment. INL is the nation’s leading center for nuclear energy research and development.

Nuclear Legacy and Future

INL’s Experimental Breeder Reactor – I reaches its 70th anniversary.

INL Innovates

We are on a mission to innovate. At Idaho National Laboratory, we’re making the research of tomorrow a possibility today.

Our Legacy

INL has provided more than 75 years of scientific innovation. Fifty-two reactors have been built and operated on INL’s 890-square-mile site since 1949. The lab’s contributions to the nuclear energy industry are unparalleled, including:

More than 300 commercial nuclear power reactors operating around the world trace their roots to INL. This legacy grows daily as INL scientists and engineers advance nuclear energy technology, including small modular reactorsmicroreactors and much more.

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Idaho National Laboratory